
Campaigns in Kurator are most commonly used for monetization purposes, though they don’t need to be. Campaigns allow you to associate SAMs with Distributions in a time-based manner, and offer more presice targeting and detailed analytics than lone Distributions or Productions.


To get started with Campaigns, click the “Campaigns” tab in the top menu.

A video walkthrough of creating a Campaign will replace this box soon!

This will take you to your Campaigns library, where you can manage and track your existing Campaigns’ performance. Click the “Create” button to start a new one.

When creating a Campaign, you’ll enter its information in a pop up window.

  • Name: This is for organizational purposes and will not appear anywhere within the Campaign itself.
  • Daily/Weekly interval: The point at which the impression count refills to the set amount.
  • Total Impressions: The set capped amount of impressions to run during the interval.
  • Start/End Date: The date range that the campaign will run.

Clicking “Submit” will take you to the Campaign’s overview screen.


This section will define each field in the Campaign Builder, in order of how they appear on-screen.

  • Campaign Status: Ability to pause or unpause the campaign. When a campaign hasn’t started yet, the status will be “Not Started”, “Live” when active, and “Ended” when a campaign has completed.

  • Targeting: Toggling this on allows you to add rules for targeting locations and/or devices. The table of rules will display once you have added one.

  • Total Campaign Statistics: Shows you the performance of your campaign so far.

  • Base Schedule: The default schedule the campaign will use. You set this on creation, but can edit it at any time.

    • Daily/Weekly interval: The point at which the impression count refills to the set amount.
    • Total Impressions: The set capped amount of impressions to run during the interval.
    • Start/End Date: The date range that the campaign will run.
  • Match Distributions Automatically: This will automatically match the Campaign to any Distributions in your library with matching IAB Categories and Keywords.

  • Overwrite Campaign: Information coming soon!

  • Temporary Schedule: This will override the base schedule during the desired Start/End date of the temporary schedule.

  • Select IAB Categories and Keywords: Allowing and/or blocking these can help you with automatic distribution matching, and will affect the ads shown if they are enabled.

  • Target URL: Information coming soon!

  • Set Target Distributions: Lets you manually add or block Distributions from your library.

Adding SAMs

Now that your Campaign is all configured, it’s time for the fun part; adding SAMs! 😁🎉

A video walkthrough of adding SAMs to your Campaign will replace this box soon!

Set the start and end time

This section allows you to add and configure individual and groups of SAMs.

If you select “Use custom SAM settings” you can override the base settings described below.

Ads in a SAM

Toggling this on will let you add SAMs with Ads. Check out this detailed article on this section for a walkthrough of this section when toggled on.

Ad and Content SAM Display Settings

The SAM Display Settings adjust both Ad and Content SAMs.

  • Duration of each SAM: The time (in seconds) that a SAM is on-screen.
  • SAMs displayed at the same time: The quantity of SAMs that are on-screen at the same time.
  • Duration between SAMs in seconds: The break of time (in seconds) between each set of SAMs.
  • Position: The position (left or right) of a SAM on the video.

SAM Prioritization Settings

Associate categories and keywords with their priority

If you’ve assigned campaign-level categories and keywords, you’re also able to automatically re-organize the queue of SAMs based on priorities that you can set for each category or keyword.

Associate categories and keywords with the timeline

If you’ve set up categories and/or keywords on the timeline of a Production, where for a specific moment of a video there is an associated category or keyword, this option allows you to serve SAMs based on their categories and keywords in conjunction with the timeline.