What is SourceSync?

SourceSync.io is a platform that enhances your existing content in ways that can help you educate, engage, and earn additional revenue from customers.

Video content is normally very hard to monitize beyond traditional ads. Platforms like YouTube and Facebook only take you so far. SourceSync provides an in-content feedback loop for your customers, letting them experience your content in whole new ways that previously required many steps or were simply just impossible.

Who uses it?

There are 3 main types of users of the SourceSync platform:

People who consume content, and the SourceSync Experiences built around that content.
People who create or have the rights to content, and/or create experiences around them.
People who advertise on other peoples' content that exists on the SourceSync platform.

The SourceSync platform has two parts: the front-end (for Consumers) and back-end (for Publishers and Advertisers). The following two sections explain how these parts work together.


Typically, Consumers interact with the SourceSync platform through a Publisher’s website. In this environment, it just looks like a fancy but native video experience, so you likely wouldn’t realize you’re using our platform unless you’re familiar with it.

The graphic below describes the different platform parts that the Consumers interact with in this environment.

  • Website - a website, not affiliated with SourceSync, usually operated by a Publisher
  • Distribution - content made by the Publisher, enhanced and/or monetized using SourceSync.
  • SAM - the enhancements provided by SourceSync; these are usually contextually relevent pieces of “meta”-content, like facts about the current scene, related articles, products, and more. Both the preview and the details of a SAM can be modified through the SAM Builder.
  • Blocks - the pieces that make up the SAMs. You can use “blocks” like images, videos, text, locations and more to make intricate custom SAMs. These are accessed through the SAM Builder.

Publishers & Advertisers

Publishers and Advertisers interact with the SourceSync platform through Kurator, the admin system SourceSync provides to enhance your content.

The graphic below describes the different platform parts that are used to create and edit Productions, Distributions, and SAMs.

  • Production - the optional first of 2 layers that content can be assigned at and associated with SAMs.
  • Distribution - the required second of 2 layers that content can be assigned at and associated with SAMs. Distributions can be associated with Productions to use the same content, but override or apply additional settings and/or SAMs. Distributions are the end-product that will be placed on your website for users to interact with.
  • SAM - the enhancements provided by SourceSync; these are usually contextually relevent pieces of “meta”-content, like facts about the current scene, related articles, products, and more.
  • Blocks - the pieces that make up the SAMs. You can use “blocks” like images, videos, text, locations and more to make intricate custom SAMs.

Get Started

Our platform is so seamless and easy to use, chances are you’ve probably already used it without realizing!

Many people sign up every day and are engaging with new audience and in new ways. Join in within 5 minutes using our quickstart guide!