Live Productions

Head's up!

This article is slightly outdated due to a recent UI overhaul. The functionality described in this article is still the same, but the menu items and other UI elements may be located in different places.

This article will be updated soon to resolve this issue.

The Live Productions tab allows users to insert SAMs into a live video stream.

Clicking the Live Productions tab will open the Live Productions library where productions are managed. Click the [+ Create] button to start the process:

Once clicked, set up the name of the live event, and optionally, a data and time. At this time, SAM insertions into a live video stream is performed with an operator defining when SAMs are inserted.

Clicking Submit will take you to the settings view of the event. If needed, the name and the time of the event can be changed. Save any changes made:

Click the [Edit Staging] button to enter the staging area of the live event:

The first step is to set the estimated duration of the live event. In most scenarios, the exact duration is not known, so enter a value that is known to be longer than the anticipated time of the event.

Click the pencil to edit the value. The fields are HH:MM:SS. There is no need to click and enter in each field, entering 020000 will parse the number into their appropriate fields. Click [SET] or Enter/Return on the keyboard to commit and exit:

The Next Step is to select the SAM Target template to be used for the event:

Templates are organized into two categories:

  1. SAMs Previews will appear on the Video at the different target areas
  2. SAMs will appear beside or outside the video by reducing the video while maintaining its original aspect ratio and fill that space.
    1. Please test this for your needs as its initial design goal is for connected TV apps.

Once Selected, the Dashboard will update to display the target areas relative to the video.

In this example, the SAMs can be targeted on the video on the left and right sides:

And in this example, the SAMs will appear outside the video on the right and bottom side by reducing the size of the video:

Clicking the [Add SAMs] button will display a view of all available SAMs. Either scroll through or use the Search field to find the desired SAM. Access SAMs within folders, or use the multi-select or Select-All then click the “Add Selected Items”:

Once selected and added, the SAMs will appear in the SAM List pane until they are added to the intended target areas:

From here, they can be added to Target areas by dragging and dropping each one:

The same SAM cannot be placed in the same target but they can be placed in different target areas.

If users want to move several SAMs at once to a common target area, they can do so via the Events Pane. Select which SAMs should be moved, then use the Position menu to select a destination:

To appear on the left side of the video during the event rather than the right side, this can be changed in the Events pane using the Position menu. Selecting two or more, or all SAMs via the checkboxes in the Events pane, bulk processing of the events can be done as a single operation:

Once all SAMs have been organized and staging is complete, the next step is to go live when the Event is live. This is done by clicking the [Go Live] button in the upper right. Until this is clicked, no SAMs will be inserted into the stream.

This is also indicated by a gray box around the SAM’s thumbnail when attempting to activate into a live stream while still in staging:

When in Live mode, clicking in the SAM tiles will activate them and insert them into the video stream. The tile is highlighted with a green circle around the thumbnail indicating it is active. Clicking them again turns them off and removes them from the stream:

Multiple SAMs can be active at the same time. The first one made active will appear at the top of the left or right side of the target area. Additional SAMs will appear below when made active.

It is also possible to change the SAM targets by dragging them from one target window to the other. This is even possible when the SAM is active in the stream. This can only be done one SAM at a time.

When the live event is over, or the user wants to end all SAM insertions into a video stream, click the [END LIVE SESSION] button in the upper right.

This will immediately end the live SAM session (not the live video stream) and any SAMs that may have been active at the time will also be terminated.