The Production Manager overview page allows a general visibility of the production analytics, distributions created from the current production, activations connected to the production and campaigns that are using the production. The overview is the first screen a user sees when clicking on a Production.
Navigation Tabs
- Overview: Get a quick summary of your production, including basic information and performance metrics.
- Distributions: Create and manage different versions of your production for specific platforms or audiences.
- Activations: View and manage interactive elements and advertisements within your content.
- Moments: View the moments created on the timeline of your content.
- Settings: Adjust detailed settings for targeting, behaviors, sharing, and more for your production.
Timeline and Settings Icons
- Timeline Button: Click this icon (Top Right) to view and edit the production timeline.
- Menu Dropdown: Click this icon (Top Far Right) to view available options
- Clone Production: Used to duplicate the production
- Archive Production: Used to remove a production once it is no longer active.